Howl's Moving Castle Scratchbuild by Studson Studio, and why I love it.
Studson Studio does incredible work, and I think this one is my favorite so far.
So well done. An incredible tribute to a Studio Ghibli design.
I'm a writer (although I have done some of the same kind of thing that Studson does, on a much, MUCH smaller scale) but there are principles in all of art that are the same. I watch and connect with people in lots of different creative disciplines, because I learn things that apply to my writing in all of them, and it feeds my soul.
I love to see the process of a creation going from artist to artist. Howl's Moving Castle started life in a novel, which was then adapted into a film, and now another creative has made it into a model. I love to watch a creation be loved, and not just loved, but embraced and then added to in a way that honors the work done before. There's something beautifully connective about that.
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