Rogue Story S1 E1: Undervault


I published the first episode of Rogue Story! A little while ago, but it's still worth telling.

Ever owed a gambling debt to a couple of annoying wizards because you have poor impulse control?

Eila has.

She still does, in fact, and since she's as broke as an elf can get, there's no way for her to pay them back with cash. But they don't want cash. They want her to use her particular set of skills (lockpicking, to be precise) to break into a probably cursed, probably impossible to find, probably very dangerous vault, somewhere out in the wilds.

Yep. It's a bad idea. It has bad idea written all over it, in multiple languages. But Wisdom and Intelligence are different stats, and Eila Yileathar's track record of turning down bad ideas is real, real poor. Can she turn things around for herself amidst trap checks gone wrong, disturbing monsters and a dysfunctional adventuring party? Find out in the first episode of Rogue Story!

This was super fun, from beginning to end. And working with my cover artist, Poppins, was also really fun. Click here for the Amazon page:

Working on the next installment, amid all the other projects I have going on. Tentatively aiming for a release toward the end of June.


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